
Microsoft Excel : Using PivotTables to Analyze Data From a SharePoint List

Using PivotTables to Analyze Data From a SharePoint List: Today's author, Diego Oppenheimer, a Program Manager on the Excel team, talks about connecting PivotTables to data stored in SharePoint Lists.

Many of us on the Excel team have been approached by customers asking us how to create a connection to a SharePoint list. SharePoint lists can be exported easily by creating a Microsoft Office Excel Web Query. The connection can then be tied directly to lists or PivotTables in the workbook like any other Data Connection.

I have a SharePoint List that we use to upload and keep track of all project management reports. The list contains information like the project manager that uploaded it, the date, and the name of the reports as well as other automated fields created by SharePoint to make my life easier. Using the filters provided by SharePoint gives me a great way navigate my list quickly and easily but I am more interested in creating a macro view of the team reports so an easy solution would be to connect my SharePoint List to a PivotTable. The fact that my SharePoint List has more than 250 rows makes the use of a PivotTable even more appealing.

Creating the Connection and the PivotTable:

Once we have located the SharePoint list we want to export we go to "Export to Spreadsheet" in the "Actions" menu button.

Microsoft Excel : Using PivotTables to Analyze Data From a SharePoint List

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

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