End Time: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 12:30 PM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Many organizations are currently managing their Web content with Microsoft Content Management Server 2002. The new Office “12” SharePoint Servers handle many of the capabilities previously performed by Content Management Server while taking advantage of SharePoint foundation technologies that combine both document management and Web content management. In this webcast, learn about these new content management features and the various tools and resources that are available to help customers migrate their existing Content Management Server projects to Office “12” SharePoint Servers.Presenter: Manish Sharma, SR Product Manager, Microsoft CorporationManish Sharma is a product manager in the Information Worker Division responsible for Enterprise Content Management. He has been at Microsoft since 1998 and has held a number of product management positions in various groups, including Microsoft Windows. Prior to his current role, he worked at the Microsoft subsidiary responsible for marketing execution and sales orchestration for SharePoint Portal Server 2003 in the United States.