Get field-tested best practices and proven techniques for designing, deploying, operating, and optimizing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Part of the new Best Practices series for IT professionals from Microsoft Press®, this guide is written by leading SharePoint MVPs and Microsoft SharePoint team members who’ve worked extensively with real-world deployments and customers. You’ll find out how to deploy the software, design your environment, manage content, analyze and view data, perform disaster recovery, monitor performance, and more. You'll learn how to create SharePoint sites that help your organization collaborate, take advantage of business insights, and improve productivity—with practical insights from the experts.
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 Best Practices
Author : Ben Curry and Bill English with the Microsoft SharePoint Teams
Pages : 720 - Disk 1 Companion CD(s) - Level Published : 06/18/2008
ISBN 9780735625389 ISBN-10 0-7356-2538-7
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
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