
fluidnature � De-flowered: my first web part!

fluidnature � De-flowered: my first web part!
Can I just say first that I HATE the Image Web Part that ships with SharePoint!? I couldn’t find anything better out there (probably didn’t look long enough) so I just bit the bullet and built my first web part: it lets you choose an image from your Image Library instead of having to manually copy or type the address of the image to display!

So, the result is much simpler to use: just open the toolpane to configure the web part, select a thumbnail from the list of images and then hit apply. Much easier! (And additionally, you can set a hyperlink, margins, resize it, etc.)

Please download the webpart and let me know if it works for you. Of course, its not perfect yet (the image border property doesn’t quite work yet) but hey, its my first time!

EROL MVP SPS www.mysps.info

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