
Using Wikis as Project Documentation Tools

A nice idea, I was talking to Charles Arnold after the last STC-Suncoast chapter meeting about using wikis as project documentation tools. Neil Perlin just presented on Web 2.0, and referenced James Surowiecki’s The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations. Surowiecki’s main idea is that collective wisdom almost always outstrips individual wisdom....
I was playing around with the SharePoint 2007 wiki features and also those of Socialtext. Here are the barriers I’m up against:
  • Wiki wysiwig’s are primitive (technical documentation can have some complicated styles, with several levels of lists).
  • Once all the info is in the wiki, how do I generate a manual or online help? I don’t want to maintain two separate files.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I encounter the same barriers.
and i would add also another one.
- not being able to upload a picture from within the wiki page (shelling out to a picture lib, uploading one and copy-pasting a url is to troublesome to efficiently perform this task)


Anonyme a dit…

You should check out www.centraldesktop.com its a wiki based project management tool.
