
Displaying MS-Word files in a SharePoint Web Part using TextGlow and Silverlight


When Microsoft released their Office 2007 suite of applications they introduced the new Office Open XML standard as well. This XML standard would be the default format for all their applications and the structure of the files would be made an official ECMA standard.

As this standard is based on XML, the content of - for example - an MS-Word file should be relatively easy to parse and then do something useful with it. Something useful is in the eye of the beholder and James Newton King thought it was a good idea to set a couple of months aside and use it as a showcase for Silverlight 2.0, resulting in TextGlow, a Silverlight control that, you guessed it, can display MS-Word files.

This article shows you how to embed TextGlow into SharePoint and use it to display content stored in a Document Library. It is assumed that you are familiar with the Content Editor Web Part, if not then check out Todd Bleeker’s excellent resource on this topic.


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