
Create Highly Customizable and Powerful WebParts with NetAdvantage

By utilizing the capabilities of the NetAdvantage ASP.NET elements, developers can create highly customized and powerful WebParts for Microsoft Windows Sharepoint (WSS) collaboration portals and plug them directly into the WSS framework. WSS is a powerful web-based portal package that organizations are adopting as a means of online communication and collaboration. By presenting a user with a series of WebParts organized onto a single web page, information can be delivered to multiple end users. This allows developers to build interfaces that contain specific information unique to each user. This Sharepoint White Paper illustrates how to create WebParts, by providing code snippets for Visual Basic as well as C#. It also details the process of how to configure and use Sharepoint with the NetAdvantage ASP.NET tools.
Click here to download the complete Sharepoint White Paper

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